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Unit 2: Backyard Ecosystem

Bees: Nuisance or Necessity?

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Drawing of bees around a hive

It is that time of year when there is more activity among flying insects, including bees. Most of us are wary of bees because of fear of being stung. This is more than just a painful inconvenience; for some it may lead to a severe life or death allergic reaction. Do bees serve a positive purpose in our lives? This week’s lesson will explore that question.

Bees: 5 Eyes, 6 Legs, and 2 Sets of Wings

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Drawing of bees around a hive

The answer may not be one you are thrilled with because it is a bee and many of us are wary of bees because of the fear of being stung and for a fair number of us this is more than just a painful inconvenience but may lead to a severe life or death allergic reaction. But bees do serve a critical role for human existence.


Animal Communication

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Cartoon owl sitting in a tree saying hello

This lesson focuses on the communication methods that are used by these animals and insects as they Find mates, Find food, Establish dominance, Defend territory, Coordinate group behavior, Care for young and go about their natural existence.


Parts of a Flower

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Pink flowers

After learning about all of the parts of a flower, you’ll have the opportunity to see them for yourself. You will complete a detailed a flower dissection.



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Bee and butterfly around a pink flower

Learn more about how plants reproduce. Then, become a pollinator yourself!



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Logo of a half sun with green leaves below

Photosynthesis is the backbone of the most basic and necessary relationships on earth. This lesson will explain how plants do this amazing process and it all happens in your backyard.