Unit 1: All About Directions
Which Way Do We Go?
Has anyone ever asked you how to get somewhere? At your house it might be, “Where’s the kitchen?” At school, someone might ask, “Where’s the Office?” Explaining how to get somewhere is an important skill. Using the right words can make it very easy to point someone in the right direction.
Good Morning!
Some maps can be very fancy and we use special words to tell us directions on those fancy maps. As early as you can, go outside and take a look at the sky. Where’s the Sun? When the Sun comes up in the morning, we call that time sunrise.
Around and Around
Many things spin. Have you ever been on a merry-go-round? Have you turned a doorknob to open a door? Is there a ceiling fan somewhere in your home? All of these things, and many others, spin around. How do you describe that motion? Let’s make a model of a clock, review telling time, and describe the movement of the clock’s hands.
The Night Sky
This two-day lesson introduces the fraction: one-quarter. We review earlier concepts: East, clockwise, and counter-clockwise. There is a connect-the-dots activity (which also reviews the alphabet) that introduces constellations in the night sky. It concludes with a night-time outdoor viewing session to see the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and the North Star on a clear night. Have a star party in your own back yard!
For most of us, the evening is a time to wind down from our day. In this lesson, we’ll make a Compass Rose, then turn toward the setting Sun to locate the West. We will learn about animals and plants that come out at night.
Gathering Data
Scientists keep track of their experiments by writing down what happened and when it happened. That information is called data. In this lesson, we look at a Data Table that shows the amount of daylight depending on the season. Then we create a Data Table of our own.
Some animals move from one area to another when the seasons change. That movement is called migration. Animals migrate to follow the food. Let’s take a look at the Monarch Butterfly, a beautiful insect that migrates to our area every Summer.
Canada Geese
Let’s take another look at migration. If there’s a pond or lake near you, then you’ve probably seen Canada Geese. Many Canada Geese migrate every year. Learn about the goose and make your own 3D model of a flying Canada Goose!
Earth's Magnetic Field
Investigate the four main layers of our planet and discover Earth’s magnetic core. Then use a refrigerator magnet check if common household items are magnetic or not and record your observations in a data table.
Make a Compass
It’s not a needle in a haystack, but a floating needle that points you in the right direction. Make your own compass and find the four Cardinal Directions, then complete a Crossword Puzzle to review some of the directions that we’ve investigated.